New ONDCP Director, Dr. Rahul Gupta, Confirmed by Senate


New ONDCP Director, Dr. Rahul Gupta, Confirmed by Senate

Yesterday, October 28, the United States Senate confirmed Dr. Rahul Gupta as the new Director of National Drug Control Policy


Gen. Dean’s Remarks at CARA Bi-Partisan Task Force Meeting May 12, 2016

Thank you to leaders of the Bi-Partisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic for inviting me here today to


CADCA Commends Critical Substance Abuse Legislation by the House Energy and Commerce Health Sub-committee

Yesterday, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee unanimously approved 12 bi-partisan legislative initiatives aimed at tackling opioid and drug


CADCA Supports Bi-partisan Hearing Exploring the Department of Justice’s Actions to Protect the Public from the Impact of State Recreational Marijuana Legalization

Washington, D.C. – On behalf of CADCA’s (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) 5,000 community coalitions across the country, we commend


CADCA Celebrates Senate Passage of Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act

Today, after a week of deliberation and consideration of amendments, the U.S. Senate passed S. 524, the Comprehensive Addiction and


Remembering Tad Foote

The Board of Directors, staff and membership of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) join in remembrance and celebration today


CADCA Applauds the Senate Judiciary Committee Successfully Advancing CARA

The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) applauds the Senate Judiciary Committee’s bi-partisan, unanimous vote today to send the Comprehensive


CADCA Applauds Walgreens for its Rx Take-Back Initiative

The Drugstore Chain Plans to Collect Unused Drugs and Provide OTC Naloxone CADCA commends Walgreens for its commitment to install secure collection


CADCA Supports President’s $1 Billion Proposal to Address Heroin Epidemic; CADCA Will Continue Efforts to Bolster Primary Prevention Funding

President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2017 budget will propose spending an additional $1.1 billion to address the opioid and heroin abuse epidemic, the


CADCA Joins DEA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Address Heroin, Opioid Abuse, and Violent Crime

CADCA will play an instrumental role in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) comprehensive new 360 Strategy to address heroin, opioid