Signature Events
CADCA is built on the mission of equipping coalitions with tools, knowledge, and support to create positive change in their communities. The National Leadership Forum, Mid-Year Training Institute, and Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner are our three signature events dedicated to engaging with our coalitions, advocating for positive prevention changes, and recognizing the work being done in our communities, by our communities.
National Leadership Forum
CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is a 4-day conference packed with multiple adult and youth-oriented opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight substance use and misuse and hear from nationally-known experts and policymakers with a full day dedicated to Capitol Hill events. The Forum is held in the Washington, DC area every year, normally the first week of February and brings together more than 3,000 participants representing community anti-drug coalitions, government leaders, youth, addiction treatment professionals, researchers, educators, law enforcement professionals, youth and faith-based leaders. This event is held every year at Gaylord National, located in National Harbor, MD.
Mid-Year Training Institute
Held for 4 days during the summer, the Mid-Year Training Institute (MYTI) offers in-depth, interactive training sessions geared specifically for community coalition leaders and staff. MYTI also includes two levels of training for the National Youth Leadership Initiative activities (i.e., Key Essentials and Advanced). From fundamentals of coalition building and strategic planning to evaluation and research, you will walk away motivated and inspired. The MYTI is held in a different city each year in either late July or early August. The 24th Mid-Year event will take place at the Gaylord Opryland, located in Nashville, TN from July 20–24, 2025.
Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner
The Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner brings together corporate supporters, federal partners, members of Congress and coalition leaders from around the country who are committed to reversing the tide of substance misuse and addiction. The Drug Free Kids Campaign is a reminder of the incredible strides we have made together, and it provides an opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our awardees, the dedication of our coalitions, and the indomitable spirit of our youth. Learn more and attend the event at
Future Events
Interested in going to a CADCA signature event and need to know dates and places to start your trip planning? Please see below:
National Leadership Forum February 3–6, 2025 February 2–5, 2026 February 1–4, 2027 January 31–February 3, 2028 January 30–February 2, 2029 February 4–7, 2030 February 2–6, 2031 | Mid-Year Training Institute July 14–18, 2024 Hilton Chicago, Chicago, IL July 20–24, 2025 Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, TN July 12–16, 2026 Gaylord Palms, Orlando, FL July 11–15, 2027 Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, TX July 23-27, 2028 Gaylord Pacific, San Diego, CA July 8-12, 2029 Gaylord Rockies, Denver, CO |