Search Results for "synthetic drugs"

Using Research to Prevent Impaired Driving

Alcohol-impaired driving crashes still account for one-third of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.  The annual cost of alcohol-related

Planning Primer: Developing a Theory of Change, Logic Models and Strategic and Action Plans

This primer provides clear guidelines for assisting your coalition to develop the products that you need to carry out a

Implementation Primer: Putting Your Plan into Action

This primer assists your coalition in the implementation of comprehensive strategies designed to achieve population-level reductions of substance abuse rates.

Strategizer 31 – Guidelines for Advocacy: Changing Policies and Laws to Create Safer Environments for Youth

This Strategizer helps clarify what constitutes “lobbying” activities for nonprofit organizations and to what extent these organizations can participate in

Creando Capacidad En Su Coalicion – Fortaleciendo Membresía, Estructuras, y Liderazgo

Esta Guía brindará lineamientos claros para ayudar a las coaliciones a lograr el reforzamiento institucional necesario para desarrollar e implementar

New Coalition Prevents Crime with Youth Prevention Strategies

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. This old adage worked for the Troy Drug Free Community Coalition

Practical Theorist 14: Methamphetamine

Practical Theorist 14: Methamphetamine: Everything, Everywhere, and its Prevention Download Now Methamphetamine is a potent and highly addictive stimulant that

Teoría Práctica 13: Fentanilo: Por qué Fentanilo/ Por qué ahora

Coalitions in Action: Northeast Community Springboard Coalition Partners with School District for Project Peace

The Northeast Community Springboard Coalition (NCSC) held a forum specifically focused on K2 drugs, synthetic cannaboids, gathering the most successful

Practical Theorist 11 – Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: Juuling, Other Trends, and Community Prevention

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. Despite a decline in smoking in