Search Results for "synthetic drugs"

Детективы данных
Numbers can be overwhelming and make your head spin. It doesn’t have to be that way. Evaluating data properly can

People Power: Mobilizing Communities for Policy Change
This publication provides an overview of the steps associated with engaging in community mobilizing to implement environmental strategies with a

Strategizer 46 – Programs and Collaboration Between Coalitions and the Faith Community
This Strategizer defines collaboration in the context of working with the faith community and offers practical suggestions of engaging the

Beyond the Numbers: Incorporating Community Voice Through Qualitative Data
This publication provides an overview of qualitative data – how it can be used as a valid and reliable data

Культурная компетентность: включение культурной компетентности в ваш комплексный план
This primer provides anti-drug coalitions with a basic understanding of cultural competence and its importance in achieving substance abuse reduction

Un Diagnóstico Comunitario – Analizar La Comunidad, Identificar Problemas y Establecer Metas
Esta guía ha sido diseñada para proporcionar a las coaliciones anti-drogas lineamientos claros para definir sus comunidades, analizar y evaluar

Учебник по оценке: создание контекста для оценки коалиции сообщества
This primer provides the basic tools each coalition needs to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan. In addition, it will help

Поддержка тех, кто служит
Nearly two million Americans have served in military operations overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan and many more veterans live and

Учебник по потенциалу: построение членства, структуры и лидерства
This primer provides clear guidelines to help your coalition build the capacity needed to develop and carry out a comprehensive

Справочник для общественных антинаркотических коалиций
The Handbook for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions provides an overview of resources for and about community coalitions. It helps educate, inform and