1 июня 2020 г.

Public Health Information and Resources for COVID-19

Given the global impact of COVID-19, many leading public health organizations have created webpages dedicated to addressing this public health emergency. The CDC notes that staying informed throughout a public health event can help individuals feel prepared to take on the challenges posed by a rapidly changing environment. Staying up to date with current public health information can equip individuals and coalitions to not only weather current challenges, but also prepare for future public health emergencies.


Below, we have gathered links to national and international organizations that are generating high-quality public health information related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as resources and links to current news and emerging research.  Where possible, we have linked directly to their COVID-19-specific resource pages.

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Присоединяйтесь к нам только для членов Сообщество CADCA продолжить разговор о влиянии COVID-19 на употребление психоактивных веществ в обществе и предотвращение злоупотреблений.

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