Jan. 15 Deadline: Capitol Hill Day Appointments

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Jan. 15 Deadline: Capitol Hill Day Appointments

Sign Up Here to Attend Capitol Hill Day! During our 30th Annual National Leadership Forum, we encourage you to tell members of your congressional


Сообщение в блоге NIAAA, ноябрь CADCA – Мифы и факты об алкоголе

The winter holidays are a time for celebrations and spending time with family and friends. For many people alcohol will

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CADCA is pleased to announce the 2019 GOT OUTCOMES winners! Coalition of the Year: Riverhead Community Coalition for Safe and

Programs in Action

DEA Red Ribbon Month

As the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) celebrates Red Ribbon Month, coalitions across the country are partnering with DEA to support

Коалиции в действии

Wishing to Help Her Community, Mrs. Lidia Carrasco Travels Abroad for the First Time to Attend CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute

Motivated by the desire to help her community in the Amazon rainforest of Eastern Peru, Lidia Carrasco traveled abroad for

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Forum 2020: Training Grid is Live!


Statement from CDC Director Redfield on E-Cigarettes

The CDC and FDA are working to investigate respiratory illnesses related to e-cigarette use. Both the U.S. Centers for Disease


Генерал Артур Т. Дин посещает пресс-конференцию главного хирурга по употреблению марихуаны

Вашингтон, округ Колумбия. 29 августа 2019 г. главный хирург США Джером М. Адамс опубликовал первый бюллетень главного хирурга.


Forum 2020 From the Perspective of Angelique Wilkins, VP of Communications & Meetings

Hello, As CADCA’s Vice President of Communications & Meetings, I have a unique perspective on our events, including the National

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New “What is Prevention” Video Series!

“What is Prevention?” is a three-part video series made in collaboration with the Addiction Policy Forum that explains the nuts &