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GHEA Trains at Kentucky Youth Summit

GHEA Trains at Kentucky Youth Summit

CADCA’s Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) had the pleasure of training at Casey County Coalition’s Kentucky Youth Summit. This training aimed to educate youth on the importance of comprehensive, holistic k-12 commercial tobacco-free school pol...

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GHEA Trains at Kentucky Youth Summit

GHEA Trains at Kentucky Youth Summit

CADCA’s Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) had the pleasure of training at Casey County Coalition’s Kentucky Youth Summit. This training aimed to educate youth on the importance of comprehensive, holistic k-12 commercial tobacco-free school policies and empower youth to advocate for healthier school environments.

Clearing the Air: Steps to Going Smokefree

Clearing the Air: Steps to Going Smokefree

CADCA’s Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) recently partnered with American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation (ANRF) to host “Clearing the Air: Steps to Going Smokefree”.

Clearing the Air Part 1: The Science of Secondhand Smoke

Clearing the Air Part 1: The Science of Secondhand Smoke

Since the 1970s, the nonsmokers’ rights movement has made significant progress toward expanding clean indoor air protections for everyone, and today 62.7% of the U.S. population is protected from secondhand smoke exposure by local or statewide smokefree laws.

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The Center for Black Health and Equity’s Position on Menthol

The Center for Black Health and Equity’s Position on Menthol

Today, we are highlighting a call to action from one of CADCA’s partners, the Center for Black Health and Equity

Emerging Drug Alerts – Tianeptine and Liquid Fentanyl

Emerging Drug Alerts – Tianeptine and Liquid Fentanyl

The substance use prevention field faces the introduction of two new dangerous products. Tianeptine and injectable liquid fentanyl have gained significant attention for their similarities to opioids. Here’s what you need to know:

Let’s Talk: Shining a Light During Mental Health Awareness Month

Давайте поговорим: пролить свет на месяц осведомленности о психическом здоровье

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity to promote more frequent and open dialogues about menta...

Over-the-Counter Medicine Safety Guide

Руководство по безопасности безрецептурных лекарств

CADCA and Kenvue are excited to present the: Over-the-Counter Medicine Safety Guide DOWNLOAD A COPY TODAY! CADCA is proud to

CADCA and Johnson & Johnson Partner on OTC Video Tutorials

CADCA and Johnson & Johnson Partner on OTC Video Tutorials

CADCA and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) partnered recently to raise awareness about the Over the Counter (OTC) Medicine Safety program, and

NIAAA Guest Blog—The Behavioral and Biological Effects of Alcohol and COVID-19

Гостевой блог NIAAA — Поведенческие и биологические эффекты алкоголя и COVID-19

Этот гостевой пост в блоге был написан Национальным институтом злоупотребления алкоголем и алкоголизмом (NIAAA). Узнайте больше о

Dr. Kevin Sabet on his Upcoming Book, Combatting Marijuana Legalization and CADCA Forum

Доктор Кевин Сабет о своей будущей книге «Борьба с легализацией марихуаны» и форуме CADCA

This guest blog post was written by Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) CEO Kevin Sabet, Ph.D. Learn more about SAM.  

Taking a Break From Alcohol can be Good for Your Health

Отказ от алкоголя может быть полезен для здоровья

  Этот гостевой пост в блоге был написан директором Национального института по проблемам злоупотребления алкоголем и алкоголизмом (NIAAA) Джорджем Ф. Кубом.

Adapting to a Pandemic – A Gateway to Community Partnership

Адаптация к пандемии – путь к партнерству с сообществом

By Raiko Mendoza, Vice President, Business Development and Membership, CADCA | December 23, 2020 At CADCA, we strive to ensure that our

What Should you do if Your Friend is Experiencing an Alcohol Overdose?

Что делать, если у вашего друга произошла передозировка алкоголем?

Передозировка алкоголем возникает в результате слишком быстрого употребления слишком большого количества алкоголя. Это может нарушить способность организма обрабатывать

New Practical Theorist on Cannabis  Available

New Practical Theorist on Cannabis Available

Practical Theorist 12 – Cannabis, The Current State of Affairs Contributor Dr. Nora D. Volkow, Director of the National Institute on

NIAAA November CADCA Blog Post – Myths and Facts about Alcohol

Сообщение в блоге NIAAA, ноябрь CADCA – Мифы и факты об алкоголе

The winter holidays are a time for celebrations and spending time with family and friends. For many people alcohol will