Сокращение употребления наркотиков, одно сообщество за раз
Since 1992, CADCA has demonstrated that when all sectors of a community come together, social change happens. CADCA represents over 7,000 community coalitions that involve individuals from key sectors including schools, law enforcement, youth, parents, healthcare, media, tribal communities and others. We have members in every U.S. state and territory and more than 30 countries around the world. The CADCA coalition model emphasizes the power of community coalitions to prevent substance misuse through collaborative community efforts. We believe that prevention of substance use and misuse before it starts is the most effective and cost-efficient way to reduce substance use and its associated costs.
In addition to supporting our member coalitions by providing resources and materials designed to help our coalitions be effective and sustainable, CADCA also offers customized trainings for coalitions across the world. Through our International Programs, Youth Leadership and Training teams, we are able to reach and empower thousands of change advocates per year. CADCA also offers signature events each year, including the National Leadership Forum, Mid-Year Training Institute and Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner, which help our members network, share ideas and learn from some of the most influential substance misuse professionals in the world. We believe our ongoing training efforts help address the current substance misuse epidemic, and those outcomes will change the world.
Наше глобальное влияние
CADCA’s Strategic Plan
In the spirit of progress and global impact, CADCA has laid out a strategic plan to take our association into the future. CADCA plans to solidify our place as the global leader in the field of prevention, continue to establish and strengthen coalitions, and grow revenue to fulfil our mission of equipping coalitions with tools, knowledge, and support to create positive change in their communities.
Наши участники
Нашими членами являются коалиции и профессионалы по борьбе с наркотиками в более чем 30 странах.
Leadership & Governance
Члены нашей команды высшего руководства представляют все слои общества и сегодня являются одними из самых разнообразных в Америке.
Учить большеДля СМИ
Команда по связям со СМИ в CADCA приветствует запросы и запросы на интервью от представителей СМИ.
Учить большеНаграды
Наши награды присуждаются коалициям, которые добиваются измеримых успехов в решении проблем, связанных со злоупотреблением психоактивными веществами, путем реализации всеобъемлющего и осуществимого плана, основанного на местных данных.
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