CADCA Editor 4 de maio de 2021

Presenter Resource Center



Welcome and thank you for presenting at the 2021 Mid-Year Training Institute! Here you will be able to find detailed information that has been sent to you via email regarding what is needed from you leading up to Mid-Year, as well as tips for making your training session a success!  


Datas importantes

  • March 1, 2021 – Call for Presentations Launched 
  • March 26, 2021 – Call for Presentations Closed 
  • April 14, 2021 – Received Notification of Acceptance 
  • April 20, 2021 – Accept/Decline Deadline 
  • April 21, 2021 – Training Session Information Due 
  • May 3 – June 4, 2021 – Schedule and Record Pre-Recorded Content 
  • May 24, 2021 – Speaker Registration Deadline 
  • June 14, 2021 – Handouts and Resources Due 
  • July 1, 2021 – Speaker Access to the Mid-Year Platform 

Próximos passos

Including some pre-recorded content has become the industry standard for most virtual events. If offers flexibility in content delivery and the opportunity for presenters to fully engage in the chat and organize responses to questions asked during this time.  

The length of this pre-recording is up to each presenter/group of presenters. You (and your fellow presenters if applicable) will schedule a time to record your session online with the audiovisual professionals at BAV Services. This team will work with you to record the one-way delivered content, provide tips and real-time feedback and complete minor edits, if necessary. We do suggest leaving a bit of time of non-pre-recorded content to answer questions or provide further information.   

You are in control of when this pre-recorded content will roll. This pre-recorded content can run either at the beginning ou at the end of your training session. You will need to indicate that preference to your BAV tech during the pre-recording appointment.


Click on the Icons Below for More Information





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