CADCA Awards Congressional Leadership Award to Members of Congress Making a Difference


CADCA Awards Congressional Leadership Award to Members of Congress Making a Difference

CADCA Awards Congressional Leadership Award to Members of Congress Making a Difference


Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Case Studies and the Search for New CADCA Champions

CADCA’s Public Policy (PP) team has developed case studies, which showcase coalitions that have exceptional outcome data.


President Biden’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Budget Request Released

On Monday, President Biden released his FY 2025 President’s Budget Request (PBR) to Congress. The PBR is the first step in the annual appropriations process and lays out the President’s budget priorities.


CADCA Awards Retiring Senator Joe Manchin Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for His Dedication to Prevention Efforts in the Senate

Since his first term in 2010, Senator Joe Manchin has been a staunch advocate for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts, and a critical partner in advancing these priorities on Capitol Hill.

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Emerging Drug Alerts – Tianeptine and Liquid Fentanyl

The substance use prevention field faces the introduction of two new dangerous products. Tianeptine and injectable liquid fentanyl have gained significant attention for their similarities to opioids. Here’s what you need to know:

AdvocaciablogCoalizões em Ação

Capitol Hill Day: Creating Champions for Substance Use Prevention

Gaining new champions in Congress for substance use prevention is more important than ever. CADCA’s Capitol Hill Day is a critical part of these efforts and has directly resulted in new Congressional champions for substance use prevention every year.

AdvocaciaSaúde pública

Dr. Kevin Sabet em seu próximo livro, Combate à Legalização da Maconha e Fórum CADCA

Esta postagem do blog convidado foi escrita pelo CEO da Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), Kevin Sabet, Ph.D. Saiba mais sobre o SAM.


Prevention Advocates Head to the Hill

All National Leadership Forum attendees are encouraged to come to Capitol Hill Day on February 7, 2018, to join us


Sucesso da Juventude e da Defesa de Direitos do Destinatário do Defensor do Ano

Ananya Pati is not yet old enough to vote, but has already influenced great social change. A young leader in


Congresso aprova legislação importante para combater epidemia de opioides

Recentemente, o Senado votou esmagadoramente de forma bipartidária, 92-2, a favor da aprovação do relatório da conferência sobre o Plano Abrangente