If you haven’t heard yet, there’s a new place to connect with the prevention community from across the globe and it’s an exclusive benefit, just for CADCA members. Members like Virgil Boysaw are taking full advantage of this new benefit to further the success of the prevention field.
“I am so grateful to CADCA for continuing the conversation about and for the prevention field! There is so much opportunity for the prevention field to expand and grow but we first need to be unified in our efforts.” – Virgil Boysaw, Cecil County Drug-Free Community Coalition
The CADCA Community was launched one month ago to provide CADCA members a forum to network, share resources and learn from one another. Once inside the portal, you can search the member directory, learn about what other coalition members are doing, share resources and connect with other members. I hope every CADCA member is able to explore this new benefit so you can:
- Engage in unique networking opportunities
- Connect with CADCA 365 days a year with the online community
- Search, find and share content in the resource library
- Join the conversation by asking and answering questions with your peers
- Connect with other champions in the prevention field through the online directory
Go to community.cadca.org to start a new discussion with your peers, read highlights from past discussions and browse the resource library.
Engage in unique networking opportunities
Nothing can replace the in-person conversations that happen at the National Leadership Forum, Mid-Year Training and other CADCA trainings, but the CADCA Community can help you learn from members instantly. Members who are not able to travel to CADCA trainings have a new way to gain value by network with their peers online.
One of my favorite aspects of the CADCA Community is seeing how members are networking from across the country. For example, members from South Carolina, Rhode Island, Kansas, and Louisiana all shared their Sticker Shock campaigns and experiences. You can network on this new platform whether you are an urban or rural coalition, focused on alcohol or opioids, well-established or just starting out. This combination of in-person trainings and the CADCA Community ensures every member has access to all of CADCA’s networking opportunities.
Connect with CADCA 365 days a year
Coalition leaders and prevention professionals are extremely busy. Here at CADCA, we know you all hold meetings in the evenings and do a lot of work on the weekend. The CADCA Community is here for you 365 days a year. You can log in anytime to search for resources, ask questions and network. It’s very user friendly and we have a great mobile version so you can access the CADCA community anywhere, anytime.
Search, find and share content in the Resource Library
The CADCA Community has already given CADCA members access to over 30 new resources shared this past month. Don’t recreate the wheel! You can access a broad range of prevention resources from funding opportunities, guidance on a sticker shock campaign, or if you need a powerful prevention 101 webinar to present to the stakeholders of your local community.
So far, the five most popular resources this month have been:
Join the Conversation by asking and answering questions with your peers
Over 140 discussions have taken place in the CADCA Community this past month. Please don’t be afraid to ask or answer a question. This is the way we connect as prevention professionals and come together for our mutual cause. Every question is important and helps CADCA reach a better understanding of hot topics and what CADCA members need the most help with in training. Take the advice of one of your colleagues and start a conversation.
“Working as part of a coalition has taught me to always reach out for help when I need it. And this forum has already become my best friend.” – Kristen Quinn, Lakes Area Community Coalition
Connect with other champions in the prevention field through the online directory
We often hear from members who want to reach out to other prevention leaders in their state or in different locations across the nation. Now you can! Search by city, state, or name in the directory and make new connections. You should also make sure to update your profile to make it easier for fellow members to learn more about you. You can easily do this by selecting the “Import from LinkedIn” button on your profile. You’re LinkedIn profile and picture will be imported directly to your profile page.
The CADCA Community was created in response to member requests and its success will be because of CADCA members. CADCA members know that community prevention can’t happen on its own, but needs to happen within the larger context of a national conversation with resources being shared by everyone. CADCA is thrilled to be able to deliver a new member benefit that will help ensure the continued success of safe, healthy, drug-free communities across the globe.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your membership team with questions about the CADCA Community. Amy can be reached at 703-706-0560 x228 or apica@cadca.org.
Sign into the community.cadca.org and start connecting today!