Search Results for "synthetic drugs"

Strategizer 46 – Programs and Collaboration Between Coalitions and the Faith Community

This Strategizer defines collaboration in the context of working with the faith community and offers practical suggestions of engaging the

Evaluation Primer: Setting the Context for a Community Coalition Evaluation

This primer provides the basic tools each coalition needs to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan. In addition, it will help

Implementation Primer: Putting Your Plan into Action

This primer assists your coalition in the implementation of comprehensive strategies designed to achieve population-level reductions of substance abuse rates.

Supporting Those Who Serve

Nearly two million Americans have served in military operations overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan and many more veterans live and

Assessment Primer: Describing Your Community, Collecting Data, Analyzing the Issues and Establishing a Road Map for Change

This primer provides anti-drug coalitions clear guidelines for defining their communities and assessing the real needs within the community. This

Strategizer 12 – Coalitions Hold Town Meetings

Learn how to plan and promote an effective town meeting and how to process the discussed information.

Strategies for Addressing Substance Use and Misuse in Veteran Populations

An Online Toolkit​ In partnership with McKesson, CADCA selected five coalitions to implement substance abuse prevention strategies focused on veterans

Coalitions in Action: Northeast Community Springboard Coalition Partners with School District for Project Peace

The Northeast Community Springboard Coalition (NCSC) held a forum specifically focused on K2 drugs, synthetic cannaboids, gathering the most successful

New Coalition Prevents Crime with Youth Prevention Strategies

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. This old adage worked for the Troy Drug Free Community Coalition

DEA Releases 2016 National Heroin Threat Assessment Summary

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) released the 2016 National Heroin Threat Assessment Summary this week. Some key facts are: The number