Too often patients are prescribed more prescription medication than they need. Since many are unaware of how to store or dispose of these dangerous pills, they can fall into the wrong hands.
Let’s prevent the opportunity for misuse before it starts.
If you are over your dose, join us in safely disposing unwanted medications.
Make your home safer, one pill at a time.

The Problem
increased risk of opioid overdose with two prescriptions filled in a home within 6 months.
of patients have leftover opioids after surgery.
4 out of 5
illegal opioid users started with prescription opioids, either their own or someone else’s.
2 out of 3
teens abusing prescription pain medication say they got them from friends or family.

The Solution
You can be part of the solution. If you are over your dose and have unwanted prescriptions in your medicine cabinet, dispose of them safely to eliminate the risk of misuse and prevent overdose in your home.
Don’t have a pouch? You can still participate and help keep your communities safe by using a drop box location, participating in a take back day, or raising awareness of this serious issue. You can use one of the graphics below, take a video, or come up with something unique to you and your community. Whatever you do, don’t forget to use #OverTheDose.
Together, we can reduce the availability of these dangerous drugs and make our homes safer, one pill at a time.
Deterra is a paid sponsor of the Over The Dose Campaign