Know More Before You Pour Social Media Contest


Know More Before You Pour Social Media Contest

#BeforeYouPour Excessive alcohol use negatively impacts our society in a myriad of ways. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism causes major damage


My Summer with CADCA

Over the course of the summer, I’ve had the privilege of interning for CADCA as I pursue a degree in


My CADCA Mid-Year Experience

My name is Stevi Johnson. I am 11 years old and from Oklahoma. I went to CADCA Mid-Year and represented


Presidente da coalizão vai à ONU debater a prevenção às drogas

A presidente da Associação Pró-Coalizões Comunitárias Antidrogas do Brasil de Pindamonhangaba, Eliane Prado Marcondes, participará do evento Ungass – em


Universidade São Francisco é convidada a integrar coalizão de Bragança

A diretoria da “Coalizão – por uma Comunidade Segura, Saudável e Livre das Drogas”, em fase de instalação no Município,


CADCA escolhe bairros de Recife para o desenvolvimento de coalizões comunitárias

Para criar e manter uma comunidade segura, saudável e livre de drogas, a organização internacional de Coalizões Comunitárias Antidrogas da

Public Health

Risky Behavior: Binge Drinking on College Campuses

“Are you drinking tonight?” “Let’s get wasted.” “I was so drunk I don’t remember anything from last night.” As a

Coalitions in Action

Coalition Makes a Powerful Impact

This Tennessee coalition has reduced smoking, underage drinking, and medicine abuse by using Putnam Power.

Coalitions in Action

CADCA’s Iraqi Coalition Demonstrates Change

Being a preventionist in a country ravaged by years of turmoil can be a challenge.…

Coalitions in Action

Hawaii’s Tobacco21 Law Makes an Impact on Youth

It has been one year since Hawaii’s landmark legislation to raise the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products to