Search Results for "synthetic drugs"

Théoricien pratique 13 : Fentanyl : Pourquoi le fentanyl/Pourquoi maintenant
Practical Theorist 13: Fentanyl: Why Fentanyl/Why Now Dr. Albert Terrillion (CADCA), Dr. Grant Baldwin (CDC), and Ms. Merilee Fowler (MATFORCE

Coalitions in Action – Alliance for Better Communities Creates Health Sense for Seniors Program
“The Alliance for Better Communities serves Jefferson County, New York,” said the coalition’s Project Director Anita Seefried-Brown. “The economy has always been

Les leaders communautaires de tout le pays se rendent à Orlando pour l'institut de formation de mi-année 2014 de la CADCA du 20 au 24 juillet
Washington, DC – Près de 2 000 spécialistes de la prévention et du traitement de la toxicomanie de tout le pays se réuniront à Orlando, en Floride.

Coalitions in Action: Fort Bend Community Prevention Coalition Hosts First County Drug Symposium
In April 2016, Fort Bend Community Prevention Coalition hosted the first Fort Bend Drug Symposium to turn the tables

College Students Smoking More Pot than Cigarettes, Study Finds
The University of Michigan this week released some data highlighting drug use by American college students in 2014. Monitoring the

Explorer le lien : drogues et santé mentale
Does a mental health issue lead to substance use? Does substance abuse lead to a mental health issue? The answers

Prescription Drug Poisoning the Leading Cause of Injury Death in the US
Prescription drug poisoning is the leading cause of injury death in the U.S., according to 2012 data from the National

Une forte consommation de « sels de bain » signalée chez certains adolescents, selon une étude
A new study released this week by New York University found that 1.1 percent of teens have tried ‘bath salts,’

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