Réflexions NCA : l'expérience d'un employé de CADCA

Institut de la coalition nationale

Réflexions NCA : l'expérience d'un employé de CADCA

Ce mois-ci, Kahlee Yeldell, responsable des réunions et des expositions de la CADCA, a eu l'occasion d'assister à la première semaine de la National Coalition Academy de la CADCA.

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Mid-Year Training Institute Website Has Launched!

2020 is proving to be a successful year for CADCA training events! Now that Forum 2020 has concluded, we are


Just Released: Rural Youth Engagement Toolkit

Download the Rural Youth Engagement Toolkit One of the greatest challenges of this decade is opioid addiction. The opioid epidemic

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Important Health Announcement

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has just alerted the research community that populations with Substance Use Disorders may

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CADCA’s Statement on Coronavirus Disease 2019

CADCA is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of our training and event attendees. We will continue to review


Pleins feux sur les partenaires : Pacira BioSciences

Un rapport de 2017 a révélé que près d'un patient sur dix prescrivait des opioïdes pour gérer la douleur après une intervention chirurgicale.

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Conférenciers et invités en vedette

CADCA Is Honored To Have the Following Speakers at Our 30th Annual Forum! Opening Plenary Keynote Speaker – Nora Volkow,

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The Forum 2020 Training Grid is Live

Start planning your Forum 2020 schedule now! Access the interactive Training Grid below to learn more! Sessions are designed for everyone, as we have

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Where Culture Meets Prevention

On Monday, Feb. 3, from 4:30-5:30 pm, please join us in Potomac C-D for a celebration of Native American culture entitled “Where Culture Meets Prevention,

Les coalitions en action

Les coalitions CADCA célèbrent les jalons de l'adhésion

Cette année, deux de nos coalitions membres de longue date du CADCA ont célébré des jalons en matière d’adhésion. La Coalition HEART d'Atlanta, en Géorgie, a célébré le 10