CADCA Trainings

CADCA Trains

We have a presence in over 30 countries, located in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Additionally, our trainings and supported materials are available in Albanian, Bahasa, French, English, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.




countries across the globe





Where Do Trainings Take Place?

We provide a wide variety of training options to allow everyone to participate.
Our signature events, include:

CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is a 4-day conference packed with multiple adult and youth-oriented opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight substance use and misuse and hear from nationally-known experts and policymakers with a full day dedicated to Capitol Hill events. The Forum is held in the Washington, DC area every year, normally the first week of February and brings together more than 3,000 participants representing community anti-drug coalitions, government leaders, youth, addiction treatment professionals, researchers, educators, law enforcement professionals, youth and faith-based leaders. This event is held every year at Gaylord National, located in National Harbor, MD.

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Held for 4 days during the summer, the Mid-Year Training Institute (MYTI) offers in-depth, interactive training sessions geared specifically for community coalition leaders and staff. MYTI also includes two levels of training for the National Youth Leadership Initiative activities (i.e., Key Essentials and Advanced). From fundamentals of coalition building and strategic planning to evaluation and research, you will walk away motivated and inspired. The MYTI is held in a different city each year in either late July or early August. This event will take place at Hilton Chicago, located in Chicago, IL from July 14-18, 2024. Registration details are forthcoming.

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Offerings are available through CADCA’s learning platform Docebo. This portal is a way for coalitions, partners, and interested individuals to access the knowledge of CADCA’s trainers and staff digitally.

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CADCA provides a variety of customized training and technical assistance opportunities including trainings (half to multiple days), keynote addresses, conference workshops and on-site technical assistance encounters. We will work with you to design your perfect training event. CADCA’s Evaluación e Investigación team works with coalitions to collect, manage and interpret data to support the needs of the prevention field. Additionally, the Alianza Geográfica de Equidad en Salud seek to raise awareness about geographic health disparities related to tobacco and cancer and to support the development, dissemination and implementation of effective public health practices.

This year-long training experience incorporates 3-week long classroom sessions, a web-based distance learning component and an online workstation where participants network and share planning products. There are multiple National Coalition Academy cohorts with varying schedules and locations across the country.

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The course work at a Statewide Coalition Academy aligns with the NCA and focuses on providing information, tools, skills and processes necessary for the participating coalitions to produce five key products or guiding documents essential to the work of a successful coalition.  The Statewide Coalition Academy helps develop the skills and processes of participating community coalitions to implement all phases of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

This program incorporates team teaching by youth and adult trainers, experiential and applied learning in both the classroom and community context. Participants learn about the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), logic models, strategic planning, developing interventions, advocating for change, evaluation and sustainability. CADCA’s Youth Leadership Initiative is offered at every Forum and Mid-Year, and also can be customized for state or coalition-level trainings.

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CADCA offers free coalition development and outreach support to help increase the effectiveness of community coalitions across America. Coalition Development Support (CDS) is free and unlimited by phone, email and web. CADCA offers on-site CDS at many of its trainings and events.

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