Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month: Work with Us to Save Lives

Programs in ActionPublic Health

Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month: Work with Us to Save Lives

At the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), we’ve worked a long time with our safety partners across America to

Public Health

NIAAA-Funded Study Explores the Brain Mechanisms Mediating the Potential Harmful Effects of Teen Binge Drinking

As CADCA coalitions know all too well, underage drinking and its consequences remain a major public health challenge. Fortunately, research

Public Health

Is Alcohol Coming to a Theater Near You?

Popcorn and a fizzy, carbonated beverage are usually the perfect pairing to any date at the cinemas. But today, more

Public Health

Why E-cigarettes Have Some People All Choked Up

If you follow the news at all, you’ve probably noticed a lot of talk about whether e-cigarettes are safe. Do